42nd Divorce University™ is coming soon!


42nd Divorce University™ is coming soon! ~~~

Register Today!

Our annual 2-day virtual conference - everything YOU need to know about separation or divorce in Illinois.

Cost: $150

post conference access to replay videos for 2 months! (only if pre-registered). Click Learn More to see the Schedule.

Divorce University™ is a Two-Day Virtual Conference.

Be an active participant in your separation or divorce process.

Thank you to all our Sponsors!

Presenting Partners

Take time to learn about the process, understand your options and hear from and interact with trusted professionals.

Our conference will focus on the legal, financial and emotional aspects of separation and divorce in general as well as specific to Illinois laws and processes.

  • Attend Confidentially. Easy to register, navigate and protect your privacy.

  • Come away with a thorough understanding of your options and trusted answers to your questions.

  • Spanning over two days for YOU! Attend some parts live and some on catch-up via recordings post event

  • 40+ Speakers and presenters - well respected, qualified, and renowned divorce professionals.

  • The Divorce University™ Conference is our largest Lilac Tree program of the year.

  • Client Registration is $150.

Learn from renowned family law professionals - judges, family law attorneys, divorce mediators, collaborative attorneys and practitioners, therapists, certified financial analysts, divorce coaches, real estate experts and more.

Thank you to all our Sponsors!

Blossom Partners

Divorce University...helped me organize my thoughts and feelings so that I could clarify what I really wanted and what I was willing to do if it couldn’t happen. It was great to know that I wasn’t alone, and that there was help for any aspect of the situation that I needed. Just having a sense of what might be ahead was so reassuring. I was able to prepare myself with all the to-do’s that were ahead, but more importantly, prepare my mind and heart.
— Jenny

If you would like to partner with us by sponsoring the conference (thank you!) and help support The Lilac Tree please contact Lorraine Murphy, our Executive Director, at lmurphy@thelilactree.org.