To register and pay by credit or debit card continue below.

To register and pay by check or money order, please call our office 847.328.0313 or email

To register for FREE events either call the office or just click HERE and mention the event name in the message. 

Our client intake hours are Monday - Friday 9:30am - 2:30pm

We may still return calls throughout the entire work day with a blocked caller ID to protect your privacy. Usually, we strive to return all calls and emails within 24 - 48 hours (on business days). Thank you for your patience with us, we know you are in a difficult situation, and we will still strive to serve you as quickly as we can.

If you are new to Lilac Tree, please take a look at our Information Session program, designed for those contemplating options, or those at the early or beginning stages of separation and/or divorce.

The Lilac Tree Team


Honor Service Award 2025

Honor Service Award 2025 - MAY 8, 2025 5:30pm - 7:30pm Tickets $100 each. Thank you for your support!


Registration is OPEN!

Take charge of educating yourself about the process, what to expect and more. Our annual 2-day virtual conference - everything YOU need to know about separation or divorce in Illinois.

Cost: $150

post conference access to replay videos for 10 weeks! (only if pre-registered). Click Learn More to see the Schedule.


A confidential 1:1 personalized session. 1 hour. Please call 847.328.0313 to schedule the appointment. Appointments are typically by Zoom, but we can also accomodate by phone only - $95


MAY & JUNE Webinars coming soon!

Support groups

Please call 847.328.0313 to join a group BEFORE paying for a Commitment Payment. Please visit our Support Group page before calling.

If you have already talked with one of us, please make your commitment payment below, we will know which group it is for and confirm with you once we receive payment. Groups vary in length and fees. If you are making a 2nd or installment payment, or paying the full balance please use the Support Group 2nd/installment Payment button and edit the amount section as needed.

Support Group Commitment Payment - $180
Support Group 2nd / installment Payment - $ amount varies. Please click the Pay Now button, and then enter the amount being paid into the quantity box. Call us to check the amount you owe. Thanks!

***New Program!

Navigating Life After Divorce Series

Monthly Meetings - attend just one or all meetings. Flexibility and regular support on the 1st Wednesday of the month. All Pop-up and Conversation Meetings are by zoom and interactive. Limited in Size & for Women only at this time.

General Support Meeting - April 2 - 12pm - 1pm $45

POP-UP Support Group Series

Pop-Up Support Groups focus on the emotional elements of preparing or dealing with the process.

MAY and JUNE Pop-ups Coming Soon

DIVORCE University™ ONLINE Library

These is our video library available on demand for you when you need.

The Nuts and Bolts of Divorce - Access for 14 days $30

Choose Your Divorce Path - Access for 14 days - $30

Understanding Child Support and Parenting Plans Access for 14 days - $30

Divorce Math - Access for 14 days - $30

Self-Representation 101 - Access for 14 days - $30

College & the Divorced Family - Access for 14 days $30


For any program, support groups or scholarship fee