Divorce University™ Online: Divorce Math

Understanding the Finances of Divorce

Who: For anyone contemplating or starting the divorce process, has been educated about the basic finances of divorce, can pay electronically and access the course through a web browser on their computer or mobile device.

Knowledge Level: Intermediate

Prerequisite: Nuts and Bolts of Divorce

Once you make the decision to divorce and start the process, the second step is often all about the finances. 

Regardless of the approach you are using (mediation, collaborative or litigation) in this video, divorce professionals will help you become financially prepared and organized, and uncover some of the mysteries of divorce math, such as how to complete the Financial Affidavit form.  

Divorce professionals will explain how to identify income, assets, and liabilities; discuss child support and maintenance (formerly alimony); and review property distribution and relevant tax information.

Panelists: Heather Locus, CPA, CDFA, Balasa Diverno Foltz LLC, Shanna F. Purcell, JD, Purcell Family Law.

Cost: $30 online fee

Registration: You will be required to create an account on our online course portal and can sign up for one or more course once registration is complete. This is separate from our in-person workshops and sessions.

Please contact us if you have any questions about registration or the courses.